Board & Mentors

The members of the Scientific Board and the Faculty Mentors are ambassadors of Wyss Zurich. The Scientific Board is involved in the application process, where it evaluates the scientific excellence and technical feasibility of project proposals. Faculty Mentors are invited after their project is accepted at Wyss Zurich. They support their project in achieving its objectives to bring therapies to the clinic or develop technologies to market.

Evaluation Board

(part of the Wyss Zurich Foundation)

Gery Colombo


Myoung-Ok Kwon


Patrick Amstutz

Wolfram Burgard

Dominik Escher

Angus Muirhead

Paul Note

David Reger

Odile Rundquist

Gerd Scheller

Entrepreneurs in Residence

Portrait von bohlen 560

Friedrich von Bohlen


Portrait frigg 560

Robert Frigg

Portrait Natascha Schill 560px

Natascha Schill

Portrait tanner 560

Hans Christoph Tanner

Scientific Board (Professors from ETH and/or UZH)

Portrait Nicole Lindenblatt

Nicole Lindenblatt

Portrait manz 560

Markus G. Manz

Portrait roland 560

Roland Martin

Portrait brad 560

Brad Nelson

Portrait riener 560

Robert Riener

Portrait stark 560

Wendelin Stark

Portrait Klaas Stephan

Klaas Stephan

Portrait vogel 560

Viola Vogel

Portrait von rechenberg 560

Brigitte von Rechenberg

Faculty Mentors

Portrait Liver4 Life mentor clavien 280

Pierre-Alain Clavien

Mentor Liver4Life

Portrait MUVON mentor eberli 560

Daniel Eberli

Mentor MUVON

Portrait HYLOMORPH mentor falk 560

Volkmar Falk


Portrait AN Ybotics hutter 280

Marco Hutter

Mentor ANYmotion

Portrait seervision john lygeros

John Lygeros

Mentor Seervision

Portrait denovo Skin mentor meuli 280

Martin Meuli

Mentor denovoSkin

Portrait Phire mentor neri 560

Dario Neri

Mentor Phire

Portrait HYLOMORPH mentor poulikakos 560

Dimos Poulikakos


Portrait Somagenetix mentor reichenbach 560

Janine Reichenbach

Mentor Somagenetix

Portrait denovo Skin mentor reichmann 264

Ernst Reichmann

Mentor denovoSkin

Portrait Liver4 Life mentor von rohr 280

Philipp Rudolf von Rohr

Mentor Liver4Life

Portrait Zurich Eye mentor scaramuzza 560

Davide Scaramuzza

Mentor Zurich Eye

Portrait Recolonymentor scharl 410

Michael Scharl

Mentor Recolony

Portrait Ce Ne Reg mentor schwab 560

Martin Schwab

Mentor CeNeReg

Portrait Liver4 Life mentor tibbitt 560

Mark Tibbitt

Mentor Liver4Life

Portrait Oxy Prem mentor wolf 560

Martin Wolf

Mentor OxyPrem